
Bishop Hooper Church of England Primary

Believing Together, Achieving Together

Values in action - Gallery

Values in Action - COMMUNITY - SERVICE. KS2 pupils singing carols to residents at Hendra House Care home December 2023

Values in Action (Courageous Advocacy) - COMMUNITY - SERVICE. Two of our families taking on a very long sponsored walk to raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK during their school holidays.

Values in Action (Courageous Advocacy) COMMUNITY - SERVICE. One of our pupils volunteering to read to residents at Hendra House Residential and Nursing home over the Summer holidays.

Values in Action - COMPASSION, SERVICE - World Smile Day charity initiative for Operation Smile - raising money to provide corrective surgery for children born with cleft palate.

Values in Action - SERVICE. The theme for Harvest 2021 was 'Helping Hands'. The children and staff explored how each one of us, with small acts of service, can help to make the world a better place.

Values in Action - COMMUNITY - COMPASSION - SERVICE - Our School Council organised fundraising activities to raise money to Twin our Toilets. They organised a 'Spend a penny trail', a relay 'Water Walk', a Wear blue day and a bake sale. We raised enough money to twin three of our toilets and send sanitary supplies to needy countries around the world. (You can see the countries our toilets are twinned with on the world map in the hall).

Values in Action - PERSEVERANCE - Paralympic sportsperson Danielle Brown visited our school 2019

Values in Action - COMMUNITY - SERVICE -Two of our Year 5 boys voluntarily carried out a litter pick in their village and local area.

Values in Action - COMPASSION - Children in need bake sale

Values in Action - FRIENDSHIP - Hoola-Hoopathon fundraiser in aid of NCPCC

Values in action - COMMUNITY - Craft club taking part in the Ludlow in Bloom community project. We won 1st Prize in the competition!

Values in Action - COMMUNITY - SERVICE - School Council took part in the Ludlow in Bloom project by planting a flower bed in St John's garden in Ludlow.
