Mrs Gittins leads our work on British Values. If you have any questions related to the teaching and learning of British values, please do get in touch.
British Values Statement
The Government state that school are required to ensure that they promote fundamental British values. It defines the five core values as:
- Respect for democracy
- Respect for the rule of law
- Support for individual liberty
- Mutual respect and equality of opportunity for all
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
At Bishop Hooper, we are proud that our school ethos, culture and environment enables children to develop and grow into caring, tolerant, respectful, thoughtful, independent, open-minded and responsible young people who are prepared and well-equipped to make a positive difference to their community as citizens in British society and the wider world.
Bishop Hooper serves a predominantly white British community, but through our curriculum, our ethos and our provision, we ensure that no group or individual is discriminated against, regardless of their faith, culture, sexuality, gender, family or financial situation.
Children learn the value of democracy through taking part in a range of democratic activities, by being involved in the decision making process of the school and by developing skills that underpin democracy, such as confidence, responsibility, independence and speaking and listening.
Examples of how we actively promote democracy:
- Each class elects pupils democratically to the School Council
- Class 4 pupils vote for Captains to lead each of the four House teams in school
- The School Council are trained to discuss and debate issues and then vote on them
- The children have a voice in decision making e.g. behaviour policy, choosing of new equipment, planning of special events and activities etc.
- Children have the opportunity to raise issues in pupil surveys
- The principles of democracy and British Values are explored through curriculum topics e.g. 'The United Kingdom' and 'Ancient Greece'
- The school celebrates special days of national significance e.g. The Queen's Jubilee, D-Day Remembrance, Sporting events such as the Commonwealth games and the Olympics, Historical Anniversaries and National elections
- Classes explore relevant topics and perform whole class assemblies to the extended school community
The Rule of Law
Pupils learn the importance of rules in our school and in society in general. They develop an understanding of how the rule of law ensure that everyone in the community can feel safe, secure and valued. We promote their understanding of the rule of law through a range of activities:
- The children are involved in reviewing the Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying policy
- School rules and expectations are clear, highly visible, fair and promoted regularly
- Curriculum activities and assemblies focus on helping the children to distinguish between right and wrong
- E-Safety is promoted through a range of activities to ensure that children know the importance of the rules when online
- When rules have been broken, discussions between adults and children focus on the need to follow the rules for everyone's benefit and on developing the children's understanding of how to make the right choice in the future
- Visits to school by a range of authorities such as the Police, Ambulance, Fire Service and Safety skills officers help us to reinforce the need for rules and the impact they have on everyone's individual safety, security and self-confidence.
Individual Liberty
At Bishop Hooper, pupils are encouraged to give their views and opinions about aspects of school as well as about local, national and international events. They are encouraged to make choices for themselves as long as they are within the school rules and that they take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour as well as for the positive contribution that they can make to others and to the community.
- Through our 'Jigsaw' PSHE and Relationships lessons, pupils are supported to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence and are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and how to exercise these safely and respectfully
- Vulnerable pupils are identified and protected through our systems. Stereotypes are challenged and a strong anti-bullying culture is evident and promoted within the school
- Pupils have key responsibilities in school e.g. class monitors, School Council representatives, Faith Council representatives, Bronze Sports Ambassadors, librarians
- Pupils are encouraged to support other children, for example as a 'buddy' to new children, supporting younger children at play time as playground buddies, teaching younger children how to use the school library
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Respect is one of Bishop Hooper's Twelve Christian values. Children and adults know that respect and tolerance towards others is an expectation. Relationships between the children themselves and between children, staff and parents and carers are highly positive and the school fosters a climate of respect and tolerance within the school community.
Through our curriculum and ethos, pupils are helped to acquire an understanding of, and respect for their own culture as well as the culture and way of life other others.
In addition, pupils learn the importance of equality and fairness through assemblies, PSHE and Relationship Education lessons, circle time discussions, topic work, visitors to school and education trips and visits.
Some specific activities that promote respect and tolerance include:
- Odd Socks Day - fun themed activities centred around diversity and anti-bullying
- World faith days are explored through enrichment activities such as Holi, Creation and Diwali activity days. Cultures are explored with artefacts, food, music, dance, art and clothing
- Holocaust Memorial Day is a focus each year
- Remembrance Day and D-Day are explored through assemblies
- Significant figures and key famous people are explored through assemblies
- Curriculum enrichment activities are planned to enhance our curriculum studies with 'hands-on' workshops such as Chinese New Year percussion and dance
- The School Council plans charity involvement throughout the year and takes part in many charitable and community events to promote awareness of other people and how the children can make a positive difference in their local and wider global communities e.g. Ludlow in Bloom community gardening, Ludlow Eco-Carnival
- Links with local churches and faith groups are strong. 'Open the Book' visits every other week, visiting worship leaders are invited from local Methodist, Catholic, Baptist churches in addition to our own church which is situated right next to our school e.g. the 'Experience Easter' and 'Experience Resurrection' workshops
- Fair Trade is explored through annual workshops in Ludlow churches. Children learn about Fair Trade in their local community and the wider world and how they can support Fair Trade in their lives