Believing Together, Achieving Together
All pupils have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument throughout their time at Bishop Hooper. We have two excellent peripatetic music teachers who teach piano, flute, clarinet and saxophone. Our instrumentalists enjoy performance experiences and have played to the community in Ashford village hall during our community carol service. Our school music specialist, (our Head teacher, Mrs Gittins) teaches whole class recorder and ocarina to KS1 and is responsible for the music curriculum at our school. Our school choir has performed various works; Faure's Requiem, in Hereford Cathedral, we have performed duets with our friends at Pembridge CE Primary School in the Words and Music for Remembrance service with Hereford Cathedral School and at the Advent service in Hereford Cathedral. We have also performed at St John's church in Ludlow as part of the International Day of Prayer service.
Our musical opportunities extend into our after school club provision, with hand bell club being offered in the Summer term.