
Bishop Hooper Church of England Primary

Believing Together, Achieving Together


Attendance Advice

Bishop Hooper school works hard to provide an environment where all members of the school community achieve their very best. In order to ensure that our children gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital that they attend regularly and punctually every day that the school is open unless the reason for an absence is unavoidable.


Attendance has a direct link to attainment; there is clear evidence that poor attendance has a very negative impact on children's learning and progress at school. Any absence will result in lost learning and can disrupt teaching routines and outcomes.


Ensuring your child's regular attendance is your legal responsibility and permitting absence from school without good reason is an offence in law and may result in prosecution.


At Bishop Hooper school, we monitor attendance and use attendance and absence data to identify any areas of concern. Attendance concerns will be raised with parents and carers if reasons are not known to the school. All attendance information and absence data is shared with the Local Authority. Where we have concerns, or lack of engagement from families, we will access support through the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer or Early Help.


We will always work with families to consider how we can support you to enable your child's right to education prior to escalation. Any referral for consideration of a penalty notice is deemed to be a last resort.



Safeguarding the interests of each child is everyone's responsibility. Failing to attend this school on a regular basis will be considered a safeguarding matter.


Good Attendance

This means attending Bishop Hooper school at least 95% of the time (between 180 and 190 days). Children who are persistently absent (or persistently late) will be noted for the attention of the Local Authority EWO. This means both parents are likely to receive a penalty notice and fine.


The bell for registration rings at 8:40am. Children arriving after this time will be recorded as late (L). Late marks will not be authorised and will count as an absence from school for the morning session.


If a child arrives at school after 8:50am they be coded as a U. This absence will only then be authorised if a satisfactory explanation for the late arrival can be provided, for example, a car break down or medical appointment.


Working Together 

We understand that sometimes poor attendance is a result of other difficulties within family life and are here to listen and support you in any way we can to get your child into school. Please let us know. We can signpost you to other professionals and specialists who can help you and your child.












