
Bishop Hooper Church of England Primary

Believing Together, Achieving Together

Religious Education

'Religious Education provides the broadest possible access to ideas for young minds.' - Dr Rowan Williams,  Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-2012

'Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we all take different roads as long as we reach the same goal?' - Gandhi 

The subject leader for Religious Education at Bishop Hooper is Mrs Gittins and our link Governor is Miss Susannah Hall. If you have any questions related to the teaching and learning of RE, please do get in touch.

Bishop Hooper Church of England VA Primary School is committed to developing staff expertise and knowledge, confidence and professionalism. CPD (Continuing Professional Development)  is key to this commitment and as such, our staff are entitled to and benefit from regular subject specific training and support from the Herefordshire Diocesan Board of Education Partnership Agreement.




CPD and training log for Religious Education, Church School Distinctiveness and SIAMS - Staff and Governors
